Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The Global Shift of Power in the 1600 And 1700s Research Paper
The Global Shift of Power in the 1600 And 1700s - Research Paper ExampleThe event of 2008 financial and frugal crisis witnessed another major shift in the balance of economic, financial and political motive from the advanced countries to emerging markets from West to East (Emerging Markets), or from the West to the Rest. This shift is, of course, not the stolon off time that we have seen in the history of geopolitical influences. The meteorotic rise of the West from the 15th century and in parallel, the decline of China, was itself an ear populater example, if not mirror image, of such kind of shift. The industrial revolution that gave birth to what is called The vast Divergence (the mounting divergence in manufacturing competence and in ability to project occasion surrounded by the first countries to industrialize, chiefly in Europe, and the rest of the world) marked another globose shift. It is no surprise that the first industrial nation, Great Britain, controlled fully a quarter of the worlds population and landmass by the end of the 19th century. There was another transfer of power from the pi unmatcheder industrializer, Britain, to imperial Germany that attributed to the economic and geopolitical tensions placedting the stage for World War I (Eichengreen). In his thesis, The World in Depression 1929-1939, write Charles Kindleberger notes that the Great Depression of the 1930s was an outcome of the global shift in power from Britain to the united States, one that left an drained Britain unable to manage global economy and an untested United States unwilling to do so. There was another power paradigm after World War II toward the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, and consequently the supremacy of the U.S. over the western world. Since then, its economic prowness has been gradually declining due to catch-up growth by Europe, Japan and other East Asian powers. We are today witnessing a shift towards emerging markets simil ar China and India. Declining Eastern Powers in mid 15th century During the 1400s, Ming China was, by far, the leading economic power. It boasted of construction landmarks such as the Great Wall, a standing army with a million multitude and mastery of gunpower, printing, papermaking and compasses. Two critical factors led to a gradual decline of Ming Dynasty, resulting in a global shift towards the West (Bosworth). First, the Ming Dynasty turned inward. Zheng Hes fleet was dismantled. Restrictions were placed on the size of pertly constructed ships. By the end of the 15th century, subjects of the Chinese empire were prohibited to build ocean-going ships or to leave China. The Silk thoroughfare was all but closed to traffic. The Chinese met early European intrusions by limiting contact to a handful of treaty ports. Isolation to foreign ideas, absence of foreign competition, and the smothering effects of tradition set China led to a long period of economic stagnation. The second fa ctor was enhanced Western influence through better sailing, navigation and military technology. Rise of Europe 1600 to 1700 A.D. A detailed ascertain at the West European economic growth is key to understand the global shift of power from East to the West. The origins of this surge in economic development and the related Industrial Revolution are considered to lie in the economic, political and social developments of Western Europe over the preceding centuries, most often scratch in the 16th century (Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson). Throughout the 17th and early 18th centuries, several geopolitical shifts occurred in Europe as the riches of the individual countries grew and faded. Marked political and religious
Monday, April 29, 2019
Customer Service Excellence. Impact of technology on Customer Service Essay
node helping Excellence. Impact of technology on Customer Service Excellence - Essay ExampleNow-a-days, the customers start a huge variety of choices for each product and the agreements bind to develop specific strategies that can help them in creating a distinctive image in the foodstuff and capture the attention of its targeted customers. In order to get the customers attention, almost all giving medication is localiseing on enhancing the customer experience by developing an effective customer service justice strategy (Khan and Matlay, 2009). With dynamic changes happening in the customer needs, the organisations have to respond proactively so that they can obtain their competitive edge in the market the companies have to be customer-centric as the technological advancements are allowing them to set out their cost of information exchange and solve customer problems effectively (Hilgers, 2007). Such advancements in the field of stock require the companies to do re-evalu ation of their value propositions and focus more on developing the products and services that will evoke a customers experience. ... Whether an organisation is offering a product or service, it is important for them to focus on providing excellent and out of the box customer service. In order to create demand in the market for their products and services, most of the organisations are now developing new and innovative offerings for services and their main stick is to provide the revenue producing solutions. One of the distinctive features of top ranked companies such as Singapore Airlines, Dell, Nokia, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Sony Corporation, Samsung, orchard apple tree and others is an appealing and differentiating service finis (Conklin, Powaga & Lipovetsky, 2004). Every customer is looking for the products and service offerings that will help them in having one to one interaction with the companies and ensure that they have the best buying and consumption experience. Importance of Customer Service Excellence According to Cook (2008), business models are an important aspect of every organisation and they determine four crucial elements that enhance performance and profitability of organisations i.e. choices of customers, costs of transactions, competition among companies and existence of heterogeneity among producers (companies) and customers. The customer service excellence is basically considered to be a challenge by organisations as they have to understand the customers perceptions about service excellence and then develop a culture that will meet their expectations level. The development of an effective customer service culture is difficult for organisations as every customer perceives differently about various service initiatives for instance, helping customers in shopping is considered to be a
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Marketing strategy and planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing strategy and planning - Assignment ExampleUntil recently, the fear of the personal credit line has been simply considered to be just contrast, but now, it is more than that and it should be able to tin to societal justice, society welfargon, economic development and quality of social life as well. This piece of seek paper explains the underlying concepts and modern aspects of corporate social responsibility in relation to the evaluation of social responsibility efforts made by three major companies, namely Apple Inc, Johnson & Johnson and Nestle. Corporate Social responsibleness The importance and the role of corporate social responsibility have been increasing continuously in the telephone line contexts within the last few years and this is very evident from the fact that 90% of the fortune five hundred companies have explicit social responsibility initiatives (Bueble, 2009, p. 1). CSR is discerned from three words, namely Corporate, Social and Responsibility, co vering the relationship in the midst of corporations and the societies in relation to how they both interact. To be more specific, it includes the responsibilities that be inherent in the relationship between the corporate and the society (Werther and Chandler, 2006, p. 6). According to Kotler and Lee (2005, p. 3), corporate social responsibility is a commitment to alter community well-being through discretionary business practices and by contributing corporate or business resources. Business activities or community well-being efforts that are already mandated by the law or are generally accepted as moral and ethical are exempted by the term discretionary. The psyche behind the concept of CSR is that all business organizations and their leaders must consider the impact of their decisions and activities on the community as a whole and they must be able to assume certain responsibilities that are evaluate of them. The social responsibility of a business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary expectations that the society has of the organization for a minded(p) period of time (Sims, 2003, p. 43). A business organization is not only expected to meet client needs and wants, but also to satisfy customer needs and wants in a way that are corresponding to the legal, ethical, social, moral and discretionary expectations of the customers and all other stakeholders. As part of the social responsibility, a business should be able to mend social life of the general public, foster economic development of the nation, improve the quality of the life of its people and enhance social and community well-being of the society at large. In order a business to be socially responsible, it has to fulfill the rules and regulations that are entrusted to them by the legal musical arrangement and responsibilities that are expected of them by the society, function according to the ethical and moral aspects that the business has to meet. Pearson and Robinson (200 4, p. 50) emphasized that on that point are basically four elements of the social commitments involved in the CSR, they are economical, legal, ethical and discretionary responsibilities. Holme and Watts go out on CSR Many different views and definitions on
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Olympics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
exceedings Paper - Essay modelinggets and scale of plans for the site and program to ensure that the Olympics site would accommodate the size of expected attendees, as wellhead as their security, personal and professional needs.It is in this regard that this paper is written to present the steps and tasks unavoidable to prep be for the Olympics. The discourse would include personal protection of VIPs, athletes, and the general public, as well as another(prenominal) security concerns, traffic control, and terrorist threats.The Olympic games originated in Olympia, Greece from as early as 10th or 9th coke B.C. Due to its scope and enormity of international participants in the event, the level and depth of security measures are eer of paramount priority especially of the host country. In previous Olympic events, there were security companies which were named as the official electronic security sponsor for ad hoc Olympic events. This ensures that the security plans, measures and i mplementing actions could be directly accounted to a specific organization.In the forthcoming games in London on 2012, the Government and its partners in security are committed to the safety and security of the London 2012 Olympics, and a funding envelope of 600 million has been agreed. This will get through strategic options for a range of security measures, including fraud and financial crime prevention and protection, counter-terrorism, identity dominance and personal protection. (Beard, 2008)Generally, the following steps and tasks are required to prepare for securing the Olympic games (1) definition of a specific objective - the aim is to ensure safe and secure Olympic Games which everyone can enjoy (2) identification of the self-confidence in charge of security (3) planning stage incorporating security programs, layout, officers and budget in the design for the Olympic site to further secure the Olympic Park the number of officers needed on duty individually day should be detailed including the number of specialists such as firearms,
Friday, April 26, 2019
Keith Haring Artwork and Inspiration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Keith Haring Artwork and Inspiration - Essay ExampleThis essay stresses that the rectifys of persons whitethorn however be understood from the perspectives of natural or legal rights within the confines of local, national, regional as well as international frameworks. Merely all constitutions as well as human right conventions unanimously and universally support the supremacy of rights of persons. The constitutions often form the benchmark through which citizens and state interact and thus define the civil, political as well as protections of human rights. Moral values are basic constitutions of institutional management as well as the management of a country or society as provided for in the constitutions. However, the variance in the capacity to reason and make decisions on regime structures, legal regimes as wells as well as political frameworks by people makes the origination of the disparity that is observable between the choices that people do make. More over, there is the c oncern about the interconnectedness between the democratic regimes as well as the system of governance from one country to another. This paper declares that overbearing regimes on the other hand are defined as systems of governance where the institutional framework organization the people requires complete (blind) obedience to state laws as against governance by peoples freedoms. It so thrives in the structures of unquestioning obedience with the political sympathies or the ruling authority having absolute control over the people. For instance, totalitarianism as an example to such authoritarian regimes is a political ideology that is characterized by the government enforcing total control over all aspects of the lives
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Analysis of Bubonic Plague Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
outline of Bubonic Plague - Research Paper ExampleDue to the severity and intolerableness of its effectuate, this plague was considered as a lethal cause of death. The origins of this plague are associated with the East and a rapid spread is acknowledged tout ensemble around Europe. The plague resulted in a diminishment of entire communities and a lack of resources and manpower to deal with the bodies was excessively accounted (HistoricUK). This paper will analyze the situation of England by considering social, economic, religious and political grounds during that era. Political Factors The intimately devastating era for London was during 1563 when the death rate im chuckable to the bubonic plague reached its peak. Approximately 80,000 deaths were describe and further analysis reveals almost 1000 weekly death in August 1600 weekly in September and 1800 in October (Miller & Orr). As a result of frequent death reports, people started to migrate from London. The elect class had n o issues escaping the infectious plague and leftfield the premises of London easily. Like many other accounts, poorer families and the financially unsound population were left to die. Queen Elizabeth also fled without paying heed to the people left behind. The political powers, yet again, seemed to support the privileged rich families with no regard given to the humanity and strange lives of poor people. This was not the end of Elizabeths political power and justice, she further passed a law to course any person who enters from London. This justice was not to protect anyone except her own life. The restrictions on imports were also compel to protect herself from the deadly plague. However, the plague still prevailed and crossed the borders without paying heed to Elizabeths orders and laws in 1578. Elizabeth took a rather realistic step and physicians were directed to find cures and prepare preventions for the plague diseases. Economic Factors The economic intend of England was greatly affected by the Plague. Almost half of the London population died due to the devastating effects and ultimate demise of the victims. The poorer pains force was affected the most as this class could not flee or escape the horrifying effects of the plague. The high death rate of the labor class resulted in the shortage of labor force in England. This resulted in high pay demands of labors and landowners were forced to move towards silver rents and dodge high labor costs. In addition, farming was replaced with grazing practices which needed fewer workforces. The peasants remained privileged due to high wage rates, as long as the rulers or elite class did not put hands on the states funds for their personal expenditures and motives. In order to overcome the labor availability issues at reasonable rates and curb the power of labor class, the political step was taken with the fixation of wage rate. The migration, in addition, was prohibited to keep the labor facilities availa ble for their own needs. These steps created a negative attitude of the workforce and the rise of Priests Revolt is often associated with these political actions taken during the plague period. unearthly Factors The Plague appeared for unknown reasons and the indistinct reasons led to chaos in the minds of the people regarding the underlying reasons for its spread.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Exploratory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Exploratory - Essay ExampleTherefore, the term Cultural Heritage refers to those customs and traditions which a province has been observing for a period of time. These customs and traditions are valuable to the extent that though circumscribed they are observed for centuries without fail and with pomp and show.Cultural Heritage has a vital role to run into in the development of a nation. It is the charm of a particular society. It works as source of fanaticism for the whole community. It turns out to be a symbol of pride for the whole nation. It infuses in the whole nation a desire to live, the reason to fight for its cause, the motive to propagate the beauties it has and so on. Cultural Heritage is the reflected steady of a society and it determines the overall history of a nations character (Hoffman 27-31).One of the some(prenominal) Cultural Heritages of mine, Wedding Ceremony occupies the virtually important position due to the interesting and heart-touching ritual. I term ed it most important because it had to cast a shadow on the whole of my life. It was the first brick that I based in building my new life. The Ceremony featured a rich composition of Folk-Music, singing songs, dancing conventional dance and the shows of local arts. These festivities date back to the past, hence, speaking of the majesty of our traditions. Wedding was, as is the custom, carried out later a proper effect in which the set is chosen for the bride either by the bride herself or her family. The procedure is interesting and appealing to the heart. The groom goes to the brides parents house and demands for their daughters hand. The parents demand ransom in return. Ransom is offered by the groom. In the meanwhile, bride is ritually protected from getting stolen without ransom. In the course of paying the ransom, the groom offers something costly which may be money or some jewelry for the
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Business project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business project perplexity - Essay ExampleIncludes uniqueness, bigeminal objectives, specific provisions, flexibility, time bound, interlinked process and sound planned. They are unique as Ait uses both international and local bench markers. It also has multiple objectives to be achieved by only trained individuals responsible for managing the project and then making it have specific provision. It is also an interlinked process that follows specific steps thus making it well planned. The process is also flexible as it can be changed with time if the project objectives are not met.Has many advantages including increased concentration on specific objectives of the project, more efficient and good use of the troupe resources as well as making a company have a healthy competition. In addition, it increases product development, production speed and also improve team cohesion spiritProject management is an expensive venture that consumes a lot of time. Many resources both human and m aterials are usually ask to run the complete cycle of project management. It can also cause wrangles between the project motorbus and the members of the project management committee thus making the manager feel
Monday, April 22, 2019
Challenging customers in the marketplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ambitious customers in the marketplace - Essay ExampleSuch customers also take more time of the shopkeepers as compared to other customers. Companies need to satisfy challenging customers in order to achieve success. Customer satisfaction results in improving the business (Fornell, Mithas, Morgeson, & Krishnan, 2006).Customers can be challenging for different reasons. Some of the most common reasons allow in language difference, aggressive mind groom, lack of proper communication skills, inability to make quick decisions, and impatient and contradictory nature. Past experiences, stresses, and different perceptions are those factors, which make most of the customers challenging. Every customer has a different set of experiences, which he/she uses while deciding to buy any specific product. Some customers have some concerns, which they give-up the ghost to the shopkeepers or customer service representatives while buying the products. Such customers are challenging customers and sho pkeepers find it strong to deal with such customers. Shopkeepers can deal with challenging customers by listening to them properly, asking questions, showing concerns towards the necessitate of the customers. Harris (2003) states, Although challenging customers may be difficult to interact with, the reality is that they are still our customers and our goal is to allow for them with excellent customer service (p.
Impact of International Trade and Globalisation on Corporate Strategy
Impact of International Trade and Globalisation on collective Strategy - turn out ExampleThis word of Globalisation is not strange to a lot of people. The globe is getting in imperative respects, a solitary social arrangement owing to globularization which is made up by the association and interconnection amongst the societies and states. Such association and linkage is a multi-dimensional course but not the up-to-the-minute one -in the end, of19th century, there was previously unfasten global financial system, with a great deal of melody, including business in currency (Gratton, Hope, Stiles & Truss C, 2008, 45).The blurry perception of globalization has been clearly explained in financial vocabulary. Corporate globalization may be viewed as the movement of items, services, and money assets or savings across global boundaries and in this manner turned into a predominately financial happenings of the world, all over which, national organisations develop into external corporation s and countries are no longer seen as self-governing and closed monarch states, but as a fraction of single large financial system.If we abide by the best fit theory in order to procure the objectives of the corporate system, these elements must be continuously linked back, in order to reflect the business strategy employed.1. Employee relations.This relates to the partnership between employers, and employees. It has strong connotations of involvement and several key theorists advocate that without this, the strategy cannot work it must claim a commitment to overall objectives and be practiced on every level of the business. (Macdonald, 2006, 07).
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Powers of Prime Minister in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Powers of gear up curate in Canada - Essay ExampleBesides the traditional executive powers that hand over always been associated with the gush Ministers of Canada, the same blush Ministers exert a plenteousness of control over the governmental party which elects him//her and although the Prime Minister is not necessarily the chairperson of his/her party, there is clear evidence that the Prime Ministers of Canada have always controlled their political parties in a number of ways. For example Right Honourable Stephen Harper, the up-to-date Prime Minister is widely respected and feared in his mercenary party where he exercises a lot of political do work and is the central force behind all the policies and position adapted by the conservative in regard to all major issues.The Prime Minister of Canada is tasked with rattling crucial roles something which has led to the watercourse debate on whether the Prime Ministers power are not too much. As a matter of fact the Prime Minis ter is the leader of the party with majority of members in House of Commons. This mandates the Prime Minister to form the government, which is responsible for running the government affairs. The fact that the Prime Minister of Canada in some manner influences the actions of the regulator oddly with regard to when elections can be called implies that the Prime Minister is more likely to take decisions, which favors his/her bear political party. This has been seen by critics as potential source of abuse of power by the Prime Minister considering the fact that a Prime Minister who desires to extend the term in office may influence election time to his/her advantage. That the Prime Minister can also influence elections although the Prime Minister does not constitutionally have the powers to do so is evidenced by the fact that the Prime Ministers requests for elections are rarely rejected by the Governor General.The constitutional provision for a Prime Minister to remain in office fo r as long as the Prime Ministers party has won the elections gives the Prime Minister an easy avenue for remaining at power for unusually longer periods. This is really disadvantageous to the country especially when the Prime Ministers policies and leadership is harming the citizens in any way whether socially or economically but somehow there is nothing, which can be done to do away with the unpopular Prime Minister. Continued cling in power for longer periods pose a threat to the impartiality of the Prime Ministers office in that a Prime Minister who has been in office for a very long time is very likely to abuse office. The other issue facing the Prime Ministers office is the fact that in cases where the Prime Minister has been implicated or accused of gross mismanagement or office abuse, he/she is inevitable to step aside through rescindation.Sadly, there are not checks and balances to warrant that the Prime Minister will step aside. Usually most Prime Ministers as history c learly indicates have been unwilling to resign even when conventional wisdom dictates that they resign. This is linked to the lucrativeness of the Prime Ministers office and the considerable powers which the Prime Ministe
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Is Randle McMurphy a hero in the book One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Essay
Is Randle McMurphy a hero in the book One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - sample ExampleHe does not debate medical decision since he finds being in the hospital better than being in the farm. This creates an opportunity for him to be the hero of the movie. Bromden is the first character to be presented to the viewer, and adept expects that he might be a star in the book due to him noticeable height. He has been a patient for over ten years at the Oregon Psychiatric, and he experiences frequent hallucinations and delusions. He however pretends to be deaf and dumb and tries to go un-noticed.At the hospital, the patients are divided into two groups chronic and those who can be cured. McMurphy arrives into the hospital and is taken into acute of the non-chronic. Bromden finds McMurphy quite different and it sets the start of their relationship. The patients are on a lower floor the care of Ratched, and she constantly encourages them to fight one another. McMurphy is not pleased with th e situation of the patients at the hospital. His introduction as a gamble and a man of women and cards is eminent, and everyone gets to know him. At this point, the attention of the reader is on Mainly on McMurphy since his character is comical and attractive.McMurphy is not pleased with the actions of the nurse, and he makes a decision to acumen the patents against the actions of nurse Ratched. In his first meeting with the other patients, he says, Ratched is a ball-cutter.(Kesey 98) The patients have developed an attitude that nurse Ratched is all powerful, and hence they do not support McMurphy. McMurphy vows to confront Ratchet since he considers her actions as inhuman. Murphy says that Except the sun, on these three strangers, is all of a sudden way the hell brighter than vernacular and I can see the... (Kesey 108). This statement shows that he is determined to bring change to the placeMcMurphy in the long run confronts Nurse Ratched and at first the other patients
Friday, April 19, 2019
APPLIED DATA MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
APPLIED DATA MANAGEMENT - Essay ExampleFocusing on this aspect, the research aims at addressing data care problem of S&R Consultants. For about 30 years, the fundamental law has grown steadily in home (i.e. Australia) and overseas nation. However, with the increase in business issues regarding data management frequently becomes a great challenge for the S&R Consultants. In such condition, the use of net content management system (WCMS) would be in effect(p) for S&R Consultants. However, as it is a in the altogether technology, WCMS is characterised by several non-technical issues, which must be considered before implementing the new technology. Purpose of the Research Based on the use of WCMS in S&R Consultants, the research intends to explore how it contribute be proved beneficial for the organisation. Besides the purpose of undertaking the research is to generate features and facilities of WCMS, which go off fulfil the requirements of S&R, to recommend authorized criteria t o compare and choose apparent WCMS, to provide recommendations to the board of directors of S&R Consultants about steps call for to select and implement WCMS and about website management policies for proper integration of website into the business operations. Rationale for Selecting WCMS The rationale for selecting WCMS is that it can allow S&R Consultants to rapidly react with the business situation and to make important materials forthcoming on website. Besides, WCMS is much effective in updating latest information without assistance of technical experts. In S&R Consultants, WCMS might assist in making different workflows more efficient than before, because it can provide timely publication of contents and also tick off that those contents are satisfactorily rewrite before publication (The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 2008). Target Audience of WCMS In order to ensure that the WCMS is kept relevant, there must be clear idea about the target audito ry modality. Target audience can help to understand the key prerequisites of WCMS system and therefore can support S&R Consultants to make decisions regarding useful contents. Besides, target audience also allow for developing proper investment scheme for development of website (Perriss & et. al., 2006). Since, the website of S&R will be a private website the key audiences will be the existing clients and other prospects who desire to obtain services from the organisation. Features and Facilities of WCMS WCMS can provide the following features to S&R Consultants Document Management System WCMS is intended to manage and store internal organisational data and corporate information. It helps in document workflow and interpretation of data. Electronic publishing WCMS tools are developed for supporting online publishing of intelligence information and other reports, which are essential for key stakeholders. WCMS enable simple workflow and quick publication of contents. E-commerce insta lling WCMS also authorises e-commerce through enabling online shopping and electronic relationship management for S&R Consultants (Browning & Lowndes, 2001). WCMS provides cardinal core facilities for S&R Consultan
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Stragic Staffing Handbook Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Stragic Staffing Handbook - Research Paper Exampleave policies 28 Communication processes 28 Employment solution process 28 Leaving procedures 28 Disciplinary procedures 28 Introduction to Strategic Staffing Strategic staffing is mandatary for every placement as they need to develop effective mechanisms in the organizations to ensure that the number of employees utilize is proper (Abraham, 2007). The organizations need to ensure that appropriate staffing requirements are in place so that they have an bringing close together about the direction in which the organization should move ahead. According to Naris and Ukpere (2010) and Noe et al. (2006), it is crucial strategic staffing enchiridion takes bankers bill of all the important rules and policies so that employees have an idea about the working environment of the organization. The strategic staffing handbook must be developed in consensus with the top management so that they are willing to devote to the organizations perform ance (Millmore et al., 2007). All the organizations need to ensure that proper policies and guidelines are provided so that the organizations performance can be judged and it can easily take into account of any problems that talent occur in future (Naris and Ukpere, 2009). According to Holland et al. (2007), the primary aims of the strategic staffing handbook are 1. Job summary Provide description of the number of employees required alongwith the capabilities of the employees to perform the tasks. It will provide details about the delegacy it should be done. 2. Postings The ways in which posting will be done alongwith the process of doing the recruitment. 3. Recruitment and option Process Identify the current and forecasted level of employees and ensure that the employees are retained in the organization. Describe the diligence process and final selection details alongwith interview. 4. Post-assessment strategies The Company will provide guidelines about the way in which the em ployees will be motivated to work in the organization and will retain as well. truncated Description about the company The exertion that our company has decided to enter is fast food industry and the range of products that will be offered will constitute of all kinds of fast food items. The test merchandising of the products has been successful and the food marketing activities will be designed to create product and brand awareness as well as grow customer base. Our company is medium sized in structure and it is important that we do proper planning for the set up of our organization. The company Food Mania has its own market and currently, there are few competitors that are making fresh and customized products. Our company is mainly targeting
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
The Comparison of Conrad Josephs Heart of Darkness and Ford Coppola A Essay
The equivalence of Conrad Josephs Heart of Darkness and Ford Coppola Apocalypse Now - Essay ExampleUnlike in the film, Marlow harboured no ill intentions towards Kurtz (Willard set out to kill Kurtz). He chose to honour Kurtz by delivering his letters to their specific recipients (Conrad 55). Coppola ground his film in Vietnam during the war era, which bank lineed the novels setting. Conrads novel was set deep in the heart of Central Africas Congo. The contrast in the plot, main characters names and setting represent more obvious, overt differences between the novel and film. nonpareil can describe both Marlow and Willard as determined, focused individuals whereby unforeseen challenges did not deter them from their specific missions. The particular that they were both able to meet Kurtz attests to their extreme determination. For example, Marlow remained hopeful about his journey despite finding the transmit depute to him wrecked and in need of repairs, which were likely to tak e a long time whereas Willard persevered the vapourisable and brutal conditions present in Vietnam during the war (Coppola Conrad 30). In addition, both characters held leadership positions Marlow was the soon-to-be captain of the ship assigned to him by the Ivory Company whereas Willard served as a Captain in the US Army particular Operations unit. However, Willard and Marlow had contrasting personalities. Willard was more brutal whereby he exhibited psychotic behaviours that were inhumane for example, he brutally hit Kurtz with a machete and departed from the gruesome scene unremorseful. Despite the fact that Willard was simply following orders, his superior of execution method and lack of sympathy indicated a heightened predisposition to engage in brutal, psychotic tendencies. On the other hand, Marlow was more compassionate, as he empathized with others for example, he chose to lie about Kurtzs last voice communication when he delivered the letter to Kurtzs widow who was di straught almost one year after her preserves demise. In addition, he did not refuse to deliver Kurtzs letters despite his reprehension of Kurtzs lifestyle, which encompassed instilling fear among the barbaric native population who resorted to worshipping him.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien Essay Example for Free
The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien EssayTim OBrien, author and veteran, covers several multiple in his novel The Things They Carried. The entertain bases itself on the psychological strain caused by the stress and conflicting interests in the fight. OBrien wants us to see what hes afraid to discover back at. Story truth is his course of facing the confronting the past and admitting his responsibility in it. OBrien retells his stories from a aeonian gush of memories. Emotions and morals are among the more evident themes covered in the novel. Pain, embarrassment, love, hate, loneliness, frustration, isolation, bravery, and struggles with morality. All of these, and combinations of these are sacredly covered in the book. Though people not involved in a struggle could never even begin to understand, not even an ounce of what happened OBrien uses these themes and emotions to help describe the crude and passionate feelings that the veterans mat throughout the war.Pain is one of the better k without delay feelings well-nigh Vietnam. It still discovers m all(a) Vietnam War veterans in many forms. Even though the war ended over 25 years ago, OBrien shows that the trauma associated with the war has had mental and physical effects on the soldiers since the war has passed. Because of this pain, it only makes sense that OBrien illustrates and reflects on the pains he and others felt during the war. Pain is caused by so many of the emotions used in this book, that it becomes difficult not to support its signifi piece of assce in the book. The guilt caused by killing a man, even though he would ready killed you. The mental torment felt when watching your comrade being scraped off of a tree. They were just goofing. in that location was a noise, I suppose, which mustve been the detonator, so I glanced behind me and watched Lemon step from the shade into bright sunlight. His governance was suddenly brown and shining. A handsome kid, really. Sharp gray eyes , lean and narrow-waisted, and when he died it was almost beautiful, the way the sunlight came around him and lifted him up and sucked him high into a tree full of moss and vines and white blossoms. (OBrien p.70). These are the types of pains that can only be understood by having felt them yourself, the type of pain that have sexs thickset within you forever, whether you want to remember it or not.Embarrassment was probably one of the more hidden feelings in the war. In thechapter titled On the Rainy River, OBrien tells of something so deeply embarrassing, that he was too ashamed to tell even his closest friends, and family. He, being an anti-war individual at the time, would rationally claim been opposed to fighting for a cause he didnt believe in. He ran. Running was a popular choice for those who were opposed to, or just scared of, war. At some point in mid-July I began thinking seriously roughly Canada. The border lay a few hundred miles north, and eight-hour drive. Both my conscience and my instincts were telling me to make a break for it, just take off and run corresponding hell and never stop.(OBrien p.44).In the book he fled to the border, but stopped to rest before he crossed. His rest was the duration of six days. He was in a continuous battle with his conscience. He thought of his parents, the shame they would be faced with because of their sons weakness. He could hear his townspeople and peers mocking him. He couldnt risk the embarrassment. He submitted. I would go to war-I would kill any maybe did-because I was too embarrassed not too.(OBrien p.59.).The emotion considered by many to be the strongest of all emotions, was the focus, and title of the second chapter. Love tells of a young lieutenant, and the object of his affection, a girl from his hometown, Martha. Among the things in which lieutenant Cross humped were two photographs, a good luck pebble, and letters from Martha. Lieutenant Cross unbroken to himself. He pictured Marthas smooth young face, thinking he loved her more than anything, more than his men, and now Ted Lavender was dead because he loved her so much and could not stop thinking about her.(OBrien p.7). When emotions like love make you think more of home, and less of the war, mistakes are inevitable they simply affect your ability to work. Lieutenant Cross found this out the hard way. He burned Marthas pictures and letters. He would have to carry the institutionalise of his mistakes, regret.A struggle with ones morality could be expected for any man. It all came vote out to one question. Am I willing to kill another man? Should I kill and live with the heavy guilt and burden on my conscience, or perish knowing the consequences youd be faced with would be worse. OBrien made a choice, he chose to live, and kill, and kill he did. In the chapter The Man I scratch offed OBrien reminisces over this experience. His vanquish was in his throat, hisupper lip and teeth were gone, his one eye was shut, his o ther eye was a angulate hole, his eyebrows were thin and arched like a womans, his nose was undamaged, there was a slight tear at the lobe of one ear, his clean black hair was swept upward into a cowlick at the rear of the skull, his brow was lightly freckled, his fingernails were clean, the skin at his left cheek was peeled back in three molest strips, his right cheek was smooth and hairless, there was a butterfly on his chin, his neck was open to the spinal anesthesia cord and the blood there was thick and shiny and it was this wound that had killed him.(OBrien p.124). Following his experience, he imagined what the mans life had been like before this. His memories created an existence for whom he killed. Memories are what kept them alive. He is astounded by what he has done, by what he had been forced to do.This novel, summarized, is about a young soldier who is overwhelmed by emotions and feelings about a war he wants nothing to do with. It conveys nearly every emotion that o ne can experience. It is because of these themes that people can even begin to understand what those living the war felt. As with most other veterans, OBrien experienced a loss so great, a burden so heavy, it is almost impossible to carry, but carry they did. They carried the burden of murders, the embarrassment of running, the bodies of their friends, and the memories that would haunt them for a lifetime. For these veterans the war will never end.Bonn, Maria S., Can Stories Save Us? Tim OBrien and the Efficacy of the Text, in Critique Studies in Contemporary Fiction, Vol. 36, No. 1, Fall, 1994, pp. 2-14.Harris, Robert R., Too Embarrassed Not to Kill A review of The Things They Carried, in New York Times Book Review, March 11, 1990, p. 8.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Senior High School English Teachersââ¬â¢ Roles Under the New English Curriculum Essay Example for Free
Senior High School incline Teachers Roles Under the raw side Curriculum examineHe teaches in the society in accordance with his special responsibilities he detr make believes and with the determinations he plays. Therefore he is required to be quite sensitive to its medical prognosiss and per striving rightly and appropriately with his due voices and to change his fiber rightly and timely with the using of the society and with the changes of his specific responsibility he takes. The educational reform in China requires the study of instructors roles. The reform of senior gamey inform education in China at present has been leading to a radical change of educational beliefs which atomic number 18 certain(prenominal) to demand a great change of instructors roles.In China, the reform of senior high inculcatetime education has widely aro spendd peoples attention. In rove to promote the implementation of the sassy computer program, experts and researchers of doc trine possess begun their study of changing teach methods. Therefore, this thesis dedicates to the research of how the senior high discipline face instructors today should change their role under the condition of the New Curriculum, and hopes to bring up slightly spick-and-span ways apt in teaching. 2 The significance of New Curriculum 2. Embodiment of the Essence of nurture The course of education is a course of ideality. Its essence is to strengthen the spiritual power of human beingnesss. Plato wrote in his most famous book Utopia the true notion of education through and through a metaphor t gray by Socrates The True Education is to templet people, its soul, and spirit to reach an authentic terra firma, from darkness to brightness, from an opinion-based world to a truth-based world (Socrates 129). This guidance of spirit is in fact the guidance of mavens living.Knowledge and skills atomic number 18 the ladders by which the soul could climb to a higher level. Our anci ent classical book The Great Learning penetrates so straight to the point that The way of achieving great encyclopedism started with one persons recognizeing of the morality, laddering on by coiffureing nice to the former(a) people, and having the goodness in ones heart. ( 15). The heading of accomplishment is to reveal the morality in ones heart, to perform a fresh start of ones lifespan, and to keep a persons mind in the stage of best morality.Apparently, in modern or ancient times, in China or elsewhere, almost all the great know of education believed that the essence of education is to perfect the spiritual world of human beings. And the Curriculum standards essential be responsible for the bursting and growing of students. In the examination-oriented education system, a student is no more than a container of text-book knowledge. The duty and responsibility of a student is to process knowledge no matter how much it actually relates to reality.The actual map value o f the knowledge has been ignored the activeness of the students has been killed. Paper mark is an evaluation gumshoe for every thing. The Ma Jiajue event of a school boy murdering his three roommates made us witness chilling and begin altering. May I ask how this type of students could feed a convinced(p) stance towards the challenges in society? How could they cooperate with people and pursuit a further growing? There is an old Chinese saying To teach a student six years, a teacher must visualise his sixty years of life. This is the social responsibility of a teacher. To educate students, a teacher must not solely take hold them masters of the textbook knowledge, but also masters of the method and strategies of learning. A teacher would form a positive mental attitude and active desire of the students and pathfinder them enjoying the happiness through the pursuit of success, build up the students sense of accomplishment, and make it the motivation of making progress.New co urse of study standards proposed a tool (an effective tool for high school face teacher to guide the students) and humanism (the new curriculum put humanism as its core) is the unification of the primary characteristics of English courses. The purpose of the study by English students is to improve the English literacy and lifelong learning for students and lay the foundation for the development of genius. Here, exploring ability and personality development received full attention. And the ability to understand and get to the point of the curriculum integration, appreciation, nderstanding, development, innovation has become a real purpose. Evidently, the new course is surprising, it really practices a people-oriented judgment of education, reflects the personality of the education. 2. 2 Reflection of the Policy of Education The New Curriculum reflects the actual need to fully carry out the guiding precept on education. We should establish accurate values on education and fully carry out the guiding convention on education in order to bring up quality talents of a new era.The values on education of a lower gradation are to educate individuals and pay too much attention to the chase of making a living or angling for material profits and prestige, but to neglect or depreciate the values of a deeper gradation formed by a full development of individual characteristics and magnificent states of mind. As the human being itself has a potential of many-sided development, the mission of education is to turn the students potentials into developing reality.Its not only the fundamental frequency concept of democracy but the basic right of every student that all of them could develop themselves. The principle to evaluate the standard of lessons reflects two Faces-firstly, face the fully rise of students qualities and secondly, face the constitutional group of students. This word form of education can make every student develop himself more completely, which is sti pulated by the guiding principle on education and also the intrinsic reflection of carrying out ability oriented education. 3 Suggestions on Senior High School English TeachingDuring a conk out observation on English teaching in senior high school, it seems common that the teaching materials are making use of teachers, rather than the teachers are using teaching materials. Needless to say, this phenomenon give definitely affect the quality of English teaching in senior high school and as a result, were not able to carry through the culture of English learning which is brought up by ability oriented education. What should senior high school English teachers do to deal with this phenomenon? 3. 1 New Educational Concepts as the Guidance The new education concept refers to the changing from giving undue mphasis to English quarrel techniques into paying close attention to the development of students entire personality and cultivating their positive attitudes as well as encouraging them to learn how to get teaching and use it creatively. While in the process of senior high school English teaching, the English teachers should transfer from refinedly emphasizing instructing students in the complex, troublesome and dull English knowledge in books, into providing basic and dissimilar information connected with real life for the students, in order to widen their field of view and make English study more effective and interesting.While talking astir(predicate) the manner of the senior high school English teacher, the new concept requires the teachers changing from teaching knowledge of isolated courses into connecting different but connect courses with each other and encouraging students to study by experience, investigation and introspection. With respect to the senior high school English teaching evaluation, the new concept suggests the education transferring from emphasizing distinguishing good from bad, selection in contest, demarcating ranks, etcetera nt o promoting every students improvement of capability and respecting the diversity of personalities and levels of understanding, so as to help them all gain the liveliness of success. And with respect to aspect of the relationship between teachers and students, the new concept suggests the shifting from centering on teachers into considering students main, pursuit the equal conversation between teachers and students and joint improvement in action. 3. 2 Renewal of the Education dexterityThe English teaching ability refers to the English teachers structure of knowledge and ability and they should not only have basic knowledge and ability of English wording, but also multiple elements consisting of education, psychology, management, art of literature, philosophy and so on, which will make a composite effect. Owing to this composite effect combined with knowledge of various courses, the senior high school English teachers should renew his/her education capacitance.He/she should no t only make creative use of new teaching materials, forge fully directed English teaching limit and instruct students lessons effectively according to the education principle. He/she should teach according to ones ability. Whats more, they should inspire the students motivation of learning to the full extent and ensure their healthy study in order to achieve the final finish of cultivating the students ability to learn throughout their life. 3. 3 Building-up of the Self-development ApproachTeachers arent able to renew knowledge, learn throughout their life and search for self-development. Through lack of approaches to development subjectively, as well as objective reasons such as busy work of teaching or a heavy burden of housework, some teachers have to live on their own limited fat gained in school and without doubts, its difficult for them to adapt to the continuous development of the situation of educational reform. A number of senior high school teachers complain about the n ew edition text-book and the general necessary of the new curriculum.They used to teach in a traditional way. They as well feel indifferent to the new material in the textbook and dont know how to teach it to the students. In order to make full use of the new teaching material and hiking the quality of English education, theres no doubt that firstly we should establish a new modern educational concept. 4 New classroom Roles of Senior High School English Teachers What roles should the 21st ascorbic acid senior high school English teachers have?The society informationization and knowledge economy development of the 21st century propose our education on the intense transformation request the traditional way of study is transform to the innovative study. This request the teachers to change from the traditional 40-minute teaching role to the shepherd, the organizer, the participant during the educational process, the teacher must have bigger compatibility and flexibility. With the soc ial development today, the science and applied science developed rapidly, the computer and the information technology also have a widespread application in teaching.The relationship between the teachers and students is already not completely the simple transmission and acceptance pattern, sometimes the student whitethorn acquire knowledge from other channels, they even know in certain aspects comparable more than some teachers do. Teachers authoritative status has been threaten the teacher and students relation becomes more and more complicated. The teachers role also multiplies. Having the ability to form the fine personality and the multiplex knowledge tructure of the students, and mastering many skills while specializing in one are requirement for teachers today. The teacher must have rich knowledge and many kinds of abilities. tho, it is also the duty of a teacher to form the students spiritual world, fills the instructive and the creative essence. In the modern society, the teacher has not only changed with the traditional performers basic function, but also has to transmit the experience directly. The students must participant the learning activity.The teacher must guide the students to explore in the environment which he cautiously designs. The teacher is no longer a pure transmitter, but also students companions, activity organizer, the supporter and helper in the process of students learning activity. I will discuss the teachers role mainly in the following part. 4. 1 Teacher as Organizer As is express by Doll, an American expert in education, the teachers status in the relationship between teachers and students is a chief in equality (Doll 191). This conversion requires teachers to step down from the altar filled with teachers respect.And the teachers ought to interact and explore with the students standing on the same flat and help them grow up, mature and become worthful. To organize means to form into a full with mutually connected and depen dent move. The success of many activities depends on good organization and on the students knowing exactly what they are to do. To be an organizer, senior high school English teachers have to organize the activities and teaching stages successfully in the classroom. Teachers organizing of the class roughly includes two parts psychological organization and the organization of activity.The central idea of psychological organization is to stimuli students motivation. The main aim of the teacher when he organizing an activity is to tell the students what they are going to talk about, and to give clear instructions about what exactly their task is, get the activity going, and then organize feedback when it is over. For example, for the topic discussion, the teacher can offer students to groups. Jeremy Harmer (1983) noted that the organization of an activity can be divided into three main parts. First the teacher gives a lead-in.Like the lead-in for presentation or for the treatment of receptive skills this will probably take the form of an introduction to the subject. In senior high school English classrooms, teachers can tell students what they are going to talk about during this period. The teacher and students may briefly discuss the topic in order to start thinking about it. He/She should give clear instructions. When the lead-in stage has been accomplished the teacher instructs. This is where he explains exactly what the students should do. Finally the teacher initiates the activity, which is to get the activities going.He gives a final check that students have understood. So the teachers job is to organize the activity as efficiently as assertable, frequently checking that the students have understood. at once the activity has started the teacher will not intervene unless it is quite necessary for gentle correction or promptness. During the first year of teaching senior high school English, role play helps the students to use the dustup flexibly. While s tudents play their roles on their own, the teacher may walk around the classroom to listen to their talks. When necessary, the teacher can also give guidance and advice.After role play, the teacher can ask students to perform in class, and then make comments on their work. 4. 2 Teacher as Guide As is said by ancient people, Teachers are the people who spread logic, teach lessons and solve confusion. The new standard of lessons requires a conversion from teaching lessons to guiding the students to participate in English activities actively, think by themselves and cooperate in investigation, which aims to develop the students abilities to gather and cope with information in English, to gain new knowledge, to analyse and solve problems and to go and cooperate.The basic requirements of a teacher as a guide are as follows 1) To help students to portion up right and feasible goal, both long and short term. Once the short goal in spite of appearance the long-term goal is reached, stude nts may be filled up with happiness of success which further motivates them forward. 2) To make classroom activities interesting and meet the of necessity of the students.The teacher can present language in pregnant contexts, make language from students, make instructions clear to everyone by using a variety of techniques (cards, texts, ICT, informal questions), manage pairs and groups to maximize practice, monitor individuals and groups, stand back and view the solely class, try to meet the needs of all irrespective of gender or ability, praise warmly, correct when appropriate, confirm and welcome good use of the target anguage, smile and enjoy their job, with general qualities of sensitivity, flexibility, humor, enthusiasm and stamina (similar to those required by the average parent). Moreover its particularly primary(prenominal) to separate the role of the motivator from the role of the expert. Teachers often easily play the role of expert often hence miss the chance to moti vate their students. 4. 3 Teacher as player To be a participant means that a teacher may take part in the classroom activities.A teacher might join simulations as a participant. However, the teacher should be careful not to dominate, although the students will both allow and expect this to happen. Instead of being the dominating authority in the classroom, the teacher facilitates the communicative process among all the learners and between the students and the various tasks, giving guidance and advice when necessary. Furthermore, teachers may act as independent participants within the learning-teaching group.Any unnecessary intervention on the teachers part may sustain learners from becoming genuinely involved in the activities and thus hinder the development of their communicative skills. Once a teaching activity is in progress, it is still the teachers obligation to develop the students potential through external direction. Although the teacher may be nondirective in general, it is still the teachers responsibility to recognize the distinctive qualities in the students (Han 1979) and to help the students develop those qualities.In senior high school English class, in different settings, students may be asked to function different activities. Teacher should not be afraid to attend these activities. It can improve the atmosphere in the class. For example, when students talk about current events, students are willing to listen to different peoples opinions on the topic. Sometimes when the whole class takes part in a debate, teachers can also act as a chairperson, or offer students help when it is needed. 4. 4 Teacher as TrainerWe used to say that the teachers should have a bucket of water in order to give the students a glass of water. However, this idea should also be changed, which demands the teachers not to limit themselves to knowledge and experience in their mind, but according to the demands of the students, to choose and exploit English teaching resou rces, design and launch kinds of English teaching activities, open up the room for teaching, guide the lessons into a larger range, strengthen the relation between the English language learning and social life reality.In short, the teachers should help the students to carve out the source of knowledge. As strategy trainers, the teachers describe, model, and give examples of potentially useful strategies they elicit additional examples from students based on the students own learning experiences they lead small group or whole class discussions about strategies including activities designed to raise students awareness of strategies and the learning process as a whole, as well as activities designed to teach students how to use a specific strategy.It is a fact that some senior high school English teachers already use many activities in their classes that can be considered strategies-based. However, what seems to be missing is the awareness on the part of the students of what those stra tegies are or how to get those strategies to work for them. effectual strategy use is often associated with better students, those who have already mastered the learning process. Thus teachers may well be making a real contribution to facilitating the learning process by discussing selected strategies explicitly in the classroom.In class, senior high school English teachers can explain the purpose of the language activity, or call attention to how the teacher has organized the course materials e. g. laying out the range of possible strategies for reading a text in order to summarize it, addressing the many strategies associated with writing a crystalline summary. 4. 5 Teacher as Creator of a Positive Environment This is a change of the teachers role in nature. This conversion requires that the teachers should push the students forward instead of pulling them along, and motivate the students instead of pressing them.Whats more, the teachers should help the students to establish a proper goal for English learning, confirm and correct their paths chosen to achieve this goal, and inspire them to develop themselves actively by means like spur, encouragement and commendation. Senior high school English teachers should provide positive classroom environment for students. Classroom climate refers to the atmosphere of the classroom, its social, psychological, and emotional characteristics (DunkinBiddle, 1974). The vastness of lassroom climate as it relates to motivation derives from the notion that teaching is leadership intended to affect classroom behaviors. Classroom climate is often described using such terms as warm, cold, permissive, democratic, autocratic, and learner-centered. The climate in the classroom is largely established through teacher-student interactions. In China, teachers teach students English in non-target environment, which is different from those in the subjective environment. Therefore it is more important to create a good learning environ ment.Teachers here play an important role in providing a supportive environment that encourages students motivation, self-confidence, curiosity and desire to learn, and input and production. According to the findings in the investigation, this role also has positive effects on students achievements. The investigation shows that Teacher A provided the best language environment among the three classes. From the classroom observation, it can be found that As English is excellent. This shows that the teachers ability of creating the positive environment has much to do with the teachers language proficiency.In order to provide positive environment, the teacher has to 1) Be capable of speaking fluent English. 2) Give students as many opportunities as possible to practice English. 5 Conclusion This thesis aims at analyzing classroom roles of senior high school English teachers under the requirement of new English Curriculum. This thesis firstly introduces the significance of the new curric ulum from two aspects new curriculum embodies the essence of education, at the same time it reflects the policy of education. Secondly, according to the new curriculum, the author gives three suggestions on senior high school English teaching.The suggestions aim at bringing out new concepts on high school English teaching as well as renewing the teachers education capacity and building up self-development approach. Thirdly,in order to set up the roles as scientifically as possible, the author investigates students expectation and analyzes the relationship between the teachers roles and the students achievements. The author makes a profound analysis of each role and gives further suggestions. With limited study and knowledge, the explanations in many places are rather weak. The study can only be considered as a start for further insightful researches and findings.
Understanding Science through History Essay Example for Free
Understanding Science through History riseThe inquisitive of science and its blend in history is important in understanding the book E=mc2 A biography of the Worlds Most Famous Equation written by David Bodanis. It is seen that in order to understand the empirical evidences of a technical invention, it is important to go back to the history of the concept and put this in the context of the events. Thus, it is seen that history plays an important part in understanding science. The book traces the diachronic events, the same as a biography would do, in order to understand the give tongue to formula. It proceeds from the judgment of conviction where this formula is created by Albert Einstein and proceeds to the important events in history which are related to the said formula. In gaining understanding, the author also mentions events such as the Second World War and mentions women such as Cecille Payne and Lise Meitner. Moreover, the author makes use of ordinary examples in ord er to relate to the birth of the formula. The author slowly do his way into defining the E, M, C, and 2 components of the formula through these examples.The connection of the boon and the past is immediately naturalized by the author as he mentions that the world of 1905 seems distant to us now, but there were some similarities to life today (Bodanis 4). It is with much realization that the author wishes to make a connection between what is present in todays society with that of the past. Moreover, there is the establishment of the foundations of the present to be rested on the past.This is further emphasized by the author where he recognizes the importance of the past to the present. In the words of the author, the year 1905 was also when Einstein wrote a series of papers that changed our view of the universe forever (Bodanis 4). In take about this particular information, the author shows that there is always something in the past that led to what is in today. This is especia lly true for science where there are constant developments that are made in order to enkindle the theories and the field of research.This book is definitely a must-read for those who are interested in understanding and gaining further companionship of the formula. Despite the complexity of the concept, it becomes easier to read because of the relationship to more familiar concepts. Thus, the familiarity makes understanding a better contract in reading the life of a formula.Work CitedBodanis, David. E=mc2 A Biography of the Worlds Most Famous Equation. New York, NY The Berkley Publishing Group.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Compare how Willy Russell Essay Example for Free
Comp be how Willy Russell EssayCompare how Willy Russell portrays the twain brothers in Blood Brothers. Account for the disparate reactions the auditory modality have to the two characters throughout the reanimate. Willy Russell successful playwright Blood Brothers conjures up many debateable topics including the intriguing separation of twin brothers rice paddy and Eddie. During my essay I shall mollycoddle into the social differences and similarities occurring between the twin brothers, whilst giving personal responses of my own and explaining the effects materializing on the sense of hearing and if it is what Russell hoped for. I shall give thought provoking evidence to back up my opinions and create emotional differing acknowledgements to enhance my essay. The proposition constantly running through the play is that of a social difference and a difference in class. The title Blood Brothers has several denotations with Blood meaning attainable violence or a product li ne relation whereas Brothers could mean a close/good relationship. The opening line Have you ever hear the story of the Johnston brothers? makes the audience inquisitive from the start, and sets the scene for the story.From the outgrowth mention of the brothers in Act 1 place setting 5, the audience can notice Edward is instantly shown to be more socially superior to paddy field having been elect by Mrs Lyons to be the baby to have the life of luxury and live with her. She pressurised Mrs Johnston to say At the surrender of my twins I shall give one of the children to Jennifer J. Lyons. Russell is trying to cause an early rift amongst the brothers and profound that community treats people in many different ways and can pave the way for peoples lifespan.The audience looking at generally excited towards this turning point in the play and would love to know how the rest of the play and the brothers lifes pan out. I feel a certain sorrow for Mrs Johnston having been threatened by Mrs Lyons, to secure the rights of Edward. In Act 1 Scene 8, Mrs Lyons says They say that if either twin learns he was one of a meet they shall both die immediately. Despite a great sadness for Mrs Johnston, I also feel a magnitude of happiness and hope for the great life Edward shall have before him.Once the brothers meet the similitude between the two experiences another social difference, as in terms of manner the brothers speak inside a whole different complex. Poor manners and a broad liverpudlian accent are reminiscent of something Mickey would say. In Act 2 Scene2 Mickey says Im not playing now because I am pissed off. Whereas the well spoken Eddie would say Fantastic, I shall look it up in the dictionary. This incident difference occurs due to the far from similar worlds the brothers have been brought up in this difference would make the audience think the brothers had no relation or link whatsoever.The audience also feel sorrow for Mickey knowing he has not had the sam e chances as his brother but I can also presumably see humour as the brothers diverse childhoods lead them to say contrastingly opposite things. once again in Act 2 Scene2 the level of knowledge between the two brothers is also experiencing a massive difference, exaggerating that the upper class are more brainy than the lower class. Again Russell is trying to convince the audience that Eddie is benefitting from his greater advanced sociality. Eddie says Dont you know what a dictionary is? Mickey responds Course I do.Its a thingy isnt it? Eddies incertitude may insult the intelligence of Mickey but again the different upbringings result in a difference of knowledge. The audience and I feel pitiful for the poor Eddie who hasnt had the same chances as his brother unless I can see a humorous side as Russell again exaggerates how less intelligent lower class people are. Mrs Lyons tells her son not to play down where Mickey lives. Two possible reasons for this could explain Mrs Lyo ns concerns. The first reason could be that Mrs Lyons doesnt want Eddie to play with children with such a gulf in class and mix with the wrong kind.The second reason could be how Mrs Lyons doesnt want Eddie to meet Mickey and pass the truth about their brotherhood. Mrs Lyons says Ive told you never to go where that boy lives. I believe the audience vent their first bit of anger, aimed at Mrs Lyons as she is hiding the inevitable truth from Eddie and the audience probably believe the brothers deserve to know the truth. But telling the truth could ruin Mrs Lyons chance of parenthood. Mickey ventures into an adventurous life and Eddie truly much wants to follow in his steps. Many quotes prove this, like when in Act 2 Scene3 Mickey says Hiya Eddie.Look, Ive got our Sammys catapult. You coming out eh? Eddie replies Isnt Mickey fantastic, Mum? This shows the first of many similarities between Eddie and Mickey and despite different lifes, there is still a likability factor between the two and they enjoy playing and being mischievous. This constipate between the brothers pleases the audience who want the boys to happily reveal the secret, being kept from them. Mickey persuades Eddie into light hearted behaviour (peer pressure). Eddie, despite reluctant still enrols in this misbehaviour, showing a side similar to his brother.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Federal Government of the United States and Real Estate Essay Example for Free
Federal Government of the United States and Real body politic EssayShe is the editor and publisher of the widely respected computer newsletter Release 1. 0. She served as a reporter for Forbes Magazine for four years and is a chairperson for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. She is on the control board of the Sante Fe Institute and the Global Business network and the Institute for East/West Studies. Dysons view on profit regulations is that government regulations are counter productive and closely impossible. I agree with her in that cyberspace is a new frontier of learning that can non single handedly be controlled by the U. S. government.Our society contains to give our own powers of individual responsibility in this wonderful, enlightening, yet some judgment of convictions detrimental intellectual frontier. Dyson compares how cyberspace is virtually the same as real estate. She states that you could think of cyberspace as a giant and unfathomable innovation of vir tual real estate(420). The key words in her observation are the words that Americans mother a deep love for in their genes and psyche an unbounded humankind. Thats what cyberspace is. It is even bigger than that it is an unbounded new frontier And we can explore this unbounded new frontier from any comfort that suits us. meshing is like any really great book one can go any where he or she wants to go, be whomever he or she wants to be, learn whatever he or she cares to learn about, and be fascinated beyond ones limits of imagination, all from the comfort of an old, beloved, beat-up, Lazy Boy recliner One can explore every interest, curiosity, desire to learn about unknown people, places, things, with the touch of his or her fingers. However, with all new frontiers there are dangers and drawbacks. Referencing Dysons analogy to cyberspace and real estate, some places, such as parks, are made for everyones enjoyment. both(prenominal) real estate areas are made for home residences. Some for business enterprises that everyone can enjoy. And past there are some real estate areas that are not appropriate for children. meshwork is no unlike in this way than real estate , books, pictures, magazines, or people and the things they say and do. Some web-sites are station up for children and are wonderful educational tools to help them expand their minds, imaginations, hearts and souls. Some web-sites help develop people and improve their lives in ways that they could never afford the money or the travel time otherwise.Some web-sites allow us to learn ways that we can help others through donated dollars, kind words, natural possessions, etc. Then there are places in cyberspace that represent the darker side of humanity scarcely as in the places, books, people, deeds, in the terrestrial world. This dark side of humanity is what we all want to foster our children from. But how? The use of censorship in the United States of America is unconstitutional and the gover nment censoring of cyberspace should never happen. Cyberspace is a place where a person has the exemption to choose where they want to go and what information they want to access.In America, it is unconstitutional to ban books because of offensive content. Our citizens provide just choose not to read the book. However there are those who want to censor cyberspace because of some of the offensive sites. on that point have been many reform bills proposed by lawmakers in the U. S. Senate and House that have tried to protect children from cyberspace. Cyberspace is a new frontier for every being on our earth. Some countries will censor the cyber world just as they censor their own citizens and their choices. However, people in America do not admit censorship.They understand the concept of personal responsibility. Where a person chooses to go in cyberspace is his/her own destination. in the long run in all aspects of life, we are free to choose our destinations with the books we choos e to read, the lessons we choose to grasp, and the cyber sites we choose to visit. Dyson states that Cyberspace isnt a frontier where wicked people can grab unsuspecting children, nor is it a giant television dodge that can beam offensive messages at unwilling viewers(420). We must protect cyberspace from censorship just as fervently as we protect free speech.Cyberspace will ultimately influence itself just as any free enterprise system must do in assemble to be successful. Some sites offer free information that is available to anyone. If the information is interesting to an individual and is valid, then the site will probably be successful and attract many viewers. However, if a site is total of offensive material that is inappropriate to children, it is up to the server to restrict the viewers. There are moderators in the cyberspace world who monitor web-sites, as well as the information presented.Cyber communities exist just as genuine communities do. There are communities o f family and children orient web-sites, of young singles oriented web-sites, and there are communities of porn oriented web-sites. The success of each site depends on how it conducts itself self-rule. In the near future, explorers in cyberspace will need to get better at defining and identifying their communities. They will need to put in place-and accept-their own local anaesthetic government, just as the owners of expensive real estate often prefer to have their own earnest guards rather than call in the police(422).In conclusion, I agree with Dyson that cyberspace must be controlled, but not by government. Ultimately parents, cyberspace servers, sites, communities, and individuals must regulate this new universe of information. notwithstanding as with any successful business in our free enterprise system, supply and demand will dictate whether a cyber site will be a success. Individuals must have total freedom in cyberspace to choose where they want to go and with that freedo m comes personal responsibility. Americans take to be freedom it is the value that built our great country.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
How Do Floods Occur Essay Example for Free
How Do Floods Occur EssayWhen floods develop, the places in which they do so are called pissing sheds. These water sheds can be either man made or they can be natural. A turning point is defined as an area that is between a land mass and a water source. A watershed can be a lake or a river. If this particular watershed is working appropriately, hence the water should be drained into the ground naturally. However, if on that point is too much snowfall or rainfall, whence the watershed cannot hold so much water and this results in overflowing of the water. However, when we are talk of the town approximately the water sheds it is just not a small quantity of water but we are talking about huge volumes. So, a lot of water can actually drown an entire city. A combination of rains and excessive water can form the perfect recipe for a flood.When it rains the water levels everlastingly rise up and the rivers or lakes that act as water sheds cannot hold anymore water and so they also start overflowing and this results in a major flood. Even humans are about of the contributing factors to a flood actually. With so much development in the form of roads, infrastructure and buildings, there is very left ground left. So, there is no mud left for absorbing the water that comes in the form of rainfalls. If there are drains available, then the waters naturally flow into the drains and then led to the sea. However, when the drains are full due to continuous rainfall, then the cities get flooded.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Puberty Blues Essay Example for Free
Puberty blue devils EssayThe TV interpret I hit chosen to talk to you about today is Puberty Blues. It is aired at 830pm, Wednesday on channel 10. It doesnt set out a specific genre, except more like a mixture. I would break up it as a teen drama. Puberty Blues doesnt work in plot twists but offers a suprising reality. The best part about the TV drama for me is how we get a glimpse into the life of a 1970s teenager.Puberty Blues is set in Cronulla, Sydney, in the late 1970s. Majority of the time, Debbie and Sues houses are used, but the greenhill gang are also featured hanging around by the beach.Puberty Blues tells the falsehood Debbie Vickers and Sue Knights. They are both very clever but somewhat unpopular high teach girls who wants to raise their tender standings in order to go out with boys. Through out the episodes we get to live on the girls parents- Judy and Martin who are closed off and dont interact with each other much and Pam and Roger who have a furtherm ost more open relationship.The sixth episode was directed by Glendyn Ivin and written by Fiona Seresis. The main plot is when the greenhill gang including Debbie and Sue, get wasted, go driving and flip the car, killing the driver. Any other show would have sent the characters into an instant panic but the writers of Puberty Blues understand that the shock combined with drugs would have caused everyone to burst into disbelieving laughter.The car crash wasnt the only plot in the episode though. Debbies parents, Judy and Martin, got to couples councilling because Martin has strong feelings for a women at his work. Cheryl, a member of the green hills gang, is flirting with her mums boyfriend to prove she is more desirable than her mother, who resents.The social issue pressented in the show was definitely driving under the influence. This message is easily interpreted in the car crash scene were the driver and passengers are drunk and stoned.This wasnt my favourite episode from Puberty Blues but it was still solid like we have come to expect from this series. I would recommend the show to high school students and older as there are some mature themes and sexual references. I love this show because it takes awkward and serious situations and brings out their bright side.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Organizational Outputs Essay Example for Free
Organizational Outputs EssayIn reviewing the article in reference to the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model. A nonher quote from the article, struck me very strongly in regards to the observed constitution The bigger the gap between the formal and informal systems within the organization, the less powerful the organization is. This is from the Weisbords Six Box Model and this aspect is quite apparent in the organization observed. A negative output is unrivalled of the things that should be avoided, especi entirelyy regarding consumers.An agreed statistic within many business merchandising modules that a dissatisfied consumer will often tell more nation than a satisfied consumer. A frustrating feature, however true. Outputs are those products which are dispensed from the organization. These can include product, as already mentioned, the panache consumers are treated is another factor. Outputs similarly include, how the organization interacts with the environment. Technically an output is any factor that the organization puts out whether through marketing, whether intentionally or unintentionally.Consumer Satisfaction There is an old saying, You cant please people all of the time. In an organization where the internal culture is to never say no. Because, we have also essayd the saying, The customer is al carriages right. An automatic conflict is built between consumer and employee. Someone, is usually wrong. And if a psyche is doing their job as required under organizational insurance constitution, the possibility of pleasing all of the people all of the time becomes quite low. However, in an organization pleasing every person is a near impossibility.In fact, I believe, it was Menecke who said, I dont know the sure way to supremacy. I do know the sure way to failure, trying to please everyone all the time. Certainly a risk every organization takes is how to tell the consumer, no, maculation keeping that person as a consumer. Somewhat of a con undrum, as no one likes to hear the word no. This is where the earlier quote from Weisfords Six Box Model caught my particular attention. Faulty insurance or the failure of an organization to uphold its own policy, creates extreme difficulties for personnel.In the organization observed, a policy would be set forth, such as a limit to the type or number of courses a student could take in an eight week period. Personnel, following policy and even double checking policy with the Director would refuse the student as directed under policy. The stated policy would then be, alone undermined if the student decided to complain. In most cases, if not all, the student was allowed the exception to having policy overturned. When a federal agency such as this occurs on a recurring basis, morale is severely weakened.Personnel are not trusted to do their jobs with integrity. As well as the fact, that when policy is regularly undermined, what then becomes the point of attempting to use any type of policy. Worse, the employee begins to give up altogether in performing their tasks with any independence. As the military issue is and has been personnel are wrong and can be completely overridden. The result is an organization without compass. And ultimately, in this organizational situation, it is the consumers that are hurt the worst.Personnel become surly and defiant to help. After all, how can personnel be perceived as being helpful when every decision, no matter how small can be overturned? The situation becomes unbearable, and any attempt at creating consumer loyalty is lost. Policy should serve as that instrument to provide the means toward providing consumer needs. When that attempt to follow policy is unceasingly undermined, the result, undoubtedly is weak, powerless leadership and an unwilling personnel to follow any policy that is developed.Personnel should be one of the most enthusiastic ambassadors to the lodge when representing the organization. The odd thing about serving the organization in this way, is that a certain pride should be taken in the work one does. A continuous undermining of the personnels efficacy to do the job one has been hired to accomplish. This type of output creates a hostile atmosphere, distrust is built and maintained through this constant turmoil between management, personnel and consumers.Summary Only one type of output has been mentioned in this report. The causality being that personnel are crucial to the way consumers and the public perceive the function ability of an organization. A dissatisfied representative or employee becomes complacent and extremely unwilling to attempt new devices for serving the consumer. untold less becoming innovative in the process. Frustrating employees to the point of powerlessness, is not a recommended means toward the success of an organization.Another reason, I believe in the importance of personnel and their ability is that most organizations neglect the fact that a sound , successful organization is built on the competence of employees. Yet, this seems to have become the accepted methodology among many organizations, especially older organizations. A basic principle is that personnel are the most semiprecious investment an organization can make. Personnel, especially those in the front line are those that have the ability to positively affect a second most important resource, consumers.
Performance Management Essay Example for Free
Performance Management Essay1. Summarize the seven (7) components of the frame cut back for coaching job and accomplishments solicitude, and put which ones you require development in and why. The seven components of the frame work for coaching and mathematical mould focussing are the coaching relationship, insight, motivation, capabilities, real-world practice, accountability, and organizational context. The first and most important step in the performance management process is to communicate what is expected. The should also be identifications of any job related learning unavoidably and possible ways to address these needs. in that respect also needs to be a performance retread periodically to make sure that job expectations are relevant and appropriate and revise them if needed. Managers are boost to do this jointly with their employees which observing and documenting their performance. Throughout the performance management cycle, you should observe your employees perf ormance and identify instances of both(prenominal) good and poor performance. Specific events and details are important for employees to clearly understand the impact, results, and consequences of their performance. Thorough musical accompaniment will enable you to recognize good performance and help you to correct poor performance. Provide feedback you should forget frequent feedback and coaching to your employees regarding performance throughout the year.This is especially important for the employee who is performing poorly. To be effective, feedback needs to be immediate, specific, and expressed in relation to a particular outcome and expectation. Deal With Performance That Does Not equate Expectations. You may wish to enlist the support of your manager. He/she can give you the benefit of his or her go steady and provide input and support before proceeding. Also, you can use the services of your Human Resources or working class Relations Components especially if you are con templating disciplinary action. They will provide the procedural and regulatory guidance as well as assistance in looking at alternatives and providing resources, intervention strategies, and other support. (Public service commission)2. prise the validity of each of the reasons provided for failure in performance management. The reasons provided for failure in performance management versus performance judgement discipline gap, accountability, measurement scarcity or overload, lack of balance and failure to assess impact. There are two primary purposes of performance appraisal evaluative and developmental. The evaluative purpose is intended to tell people of their performance standing. The collected performance data are frequently used to reward naughty performance and to punish poor performance. (Smither, 2009) The developmental purpose is intended to identify problems in employees performing the assign task.The collected performance data are used to provide necessary skill tra ining or professional development. The purpose of performance appraisal must be clearly communicated both to raters and rates, because their reactions to the appraisal process are significantly antithetic depending on the intended purpose. Failure to inform about the purpose or misleading information about the purpose may result in inaccurate and biased appraisal reports. (Cascio, 1998) 3. Identify two (2) of the barriers of success that are evident in preventing successful execution of performance management in a company you know well and recommend a solution to the problems. If you have not worked with or for a company that evaluates employee performance through performance management, imagine what the problems would be based on your knowledge of the company. Be sure to provide your rationale.Future scenarios allow organizations to explore multiple potential emergings and capture robust strategies and early warning signs to understand how the future is unfolding. Where a vision articulates a preferred future, future scenarios describe how an organization might achieve its mission in different circumstances or environments. Organizations identify a focal issue or major decision the organization faces and the critical uncertainties in the macro environment, such as social, economic, political, environmental, and technical forces. Scenarios are developed based on combinations of these forces and robust strategies are place to address multiple futures. Finally, indicators are identified to help understand how the future is affecting the organizations decisions.In-order to fully understand the rationale past, present, and future analysis would have to be done on different work environments in-order to generally process the full computation of how and HR performance management society would work to stay in constant communication with the employees skill set.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Personal life Essay Example for Free
Personal life analyse spring a body of expression, a medium of communication, happiness and love. Dance is my passion. I am a trained Bharata Natyam dancer. I am proud to be an Indian because of its rich culture and heritage. In Bharata Natyam Bha i. e Bhaava (expression), Ra i. e Ragha (rhythm) and Ta i. e Taal (beat) are the basic components of a dance. There are cardinal different classical dance forms in india Bharata Natyam, Kuchipudi, Kathakali, Odissi, Mohiniattam, Manipuri and Kathak. I am blessed to be a use of this culture. It is my mother who developed this stratagem in me. I have also namet other dance forms such(prenominal) as Western and Folk. It is through dance that I find inner peace and true happiness. This art form gave me beautiful opportunities. I have represented my country in Dubai, France and Finland International festivals. Being a part of these festivals made me realize even if we have language barrier the language of dance bridged the whirl betwe en us.Ive explored many cultures, their way of living, their way of life through this art. Dance needs no interpretation. Dance is also one of the strongest medium to pass a message. I guess one moldiness use this art for a good cause. Famous dancers such as Hema Malini, Helen, Vayjantimala, Shri Gopal Krishna, Smt Rukhmani Devi, Shri Birju Maharaj are respected for their contribution. Dance taught me to correct myself. It has developed in me the ability of working towards excellence.Ive acquired certain skills from this art which I believe are my competencies as a manger such as confidence, self-presentation, and an ability to cope with criticism and learn from it. As a performer I have an open mind and the ability to move beyond boundaries and experiment with different ideas. Every human being has a project for his existence. I believe my purpose is to spread love and happiness and do my bit for the society. I proclivity to make my parents proud. I appetite to make this world a better place in my own little way. I wish to stay in your hearts forever
Friday, April 5, 2019
Concepts and Features in Bookkeeping
Concepts and Features in Bookkeeping1. Name two (2) business organisation pauperizationfully relating to bookkeepingBusiness bespeaks result vary according to what type of business it is. Accurate save and maintenance of transactions is a business necessity relating to bookkeeping a nonher is compliance with legal requirements. As a bookkeeper you ar required to be up to appointment with legislation related with bookkeeping to sacrifice sure you atomic number 18 able to do certain tasks and if the business possessor is being ethical.2. Why is clarifying business rents and expectations distinguished?It specifys it easier for you to understand and contact your role efficiently and effectively within the business. You need to have a clear understanding on what the owner of the business expects of you and whether you atomic number 18 able to fulfil your role.3. Name four (4) customary roles and responsibilities of a bookkeeperAccounts payable Receive and record invoic es from suppliersAccounts receivable Prepare and ventilate invoices to debtorsAccounts to trial balancePetty cash reconciliation and processing.4. Why is it important for a bookkeeper to define their roles and responsibilities with the business owner?The business owner volition already have thought about what they require from the bookkeeper. So to make sure you are suitable for the job you need to have your role defined. Do you neck the software product or do you need a refresher course, do you need more(prenominal) or less(prenominal) additive training. Do you have the certification or are there any licensing requirements. To have an understanding of what the owner expects of the bookkeeper is crucial to doing your job effectively.5. Name two (2) consequences that whitethorn occur when a bookkeeper completes activities that fall outside their roles and responsibilities.They may incur penalties through breaches of certain acts for instance if they were to lodge a tax form w hen they are not a registered tax agent.You may be unsure of how to complete that job efficiently and have the run a risk of making a mistake. For instance you are asked to analyse a report and you are not rightfully sure of what the report means but you go ahead and touch the owner advice. This can give the owner incorrect data of where his business is going which could lead him to make bad decisions for the business.6. Provide an precedent of an activity that falls outside the responsibilities of a bookkeeper. diagnose an alternative reserver for that activity.Installing certain software on the computer for example anti-virus software that you hit the hay nothing about. In this instance you would use an I.T professional.7. let off what meshings are and give an example of a networking group that you would advise your client to join.Networks are about a group of people coming together to exchange ideas which can be valuable to the business. Networks are open and curbe d with the purpose of promoting business needs. Informal networks are contacts that have their own business contacts that they may disc all everyplace you to give unbiased advice. It is faithful business practice to refer the business owner to applicable networks for push input some such instances may be an I.T specialist that you know who comes highly recommended or an accountant that you have heard is very good. You may refer these contacts when the client is looking for accounting software. The accountant you know may have worked with this software before and he recommended the I.T specialist who installed it. You may add the software suppliers to that network as well.8. Outline a strategy a bookkeeper could implement in order to ensure their current professional development. Explain in your answer how this professional development can be implemented.You go out need to progress a strategy, planning and documenting as you go. De confinesine learning objectives and outcome s required and maintain your existing skills. Identify the pathways you have as an option to achieve these strategys because plan and implement your strategy. For example your employer wants to change over to a current accounting software. You would then have to research where, when and how you are going to learn this sweet software and what all the options are to suit your working lifestyle. Are you going to have to train new staff and how can you implement this. What networks are available to help you along the way. What resources are required and what pre-requisites if any are there? After making a plan you would have to sit down with your employer to establish how this plan is going to be implemented. Is he going to pay for the course if there is iodin? volition this be done on your own condemnation or will he compensate for the time required to learn the new software?9. Briefly explain how a bookkeeper can establish and maintain an effective working relationship with clie nts.To maintain an effective working relationship with your employer you need to be cognizant of your role they have set out for you with in the business. They will have a clear monetary goal for their business and as a bookkeeper you will aid in developing that plan, you will need to continue your professional development to support the desired outcome and priorities of the business. By doing this you are maintaining a good working relationship with your client. It is good practice to ask for feedback from your clients to ensure they are happy with your services and make changes to your service, to tender a service that your clients will be happy with. To think that no feedback is good feedback is not a good way to achieve personal development. Feedback allows you to get a line and act on opportunities to improve your development. This will encourage growth by allowing you to approach new tasks or existing tasks in a divergent manner, improve communication between yourself and the relevant parties and lead to expanding the range of services you offer. You also need to be adaptable to change, develop your ability to apply the skills and knowledge gained, implement change, keep your knowledge up to date and monitor the relevant business needs.10. If a bookkeeper has a problem with a client not handing over their paysheet records, what strategies can they implement to ensure that correct records are received and compliance requirements are met?You need to set up a bookkeeping system to ensure compliance requirements of the business are being met at all times. For example confidentiality of financial information is protected. Financial information is easily entrancewayible for relevant parties, financial information is stored and maintained in an organised and secure manner, non-compliance is identified and dealt with in a by the way and effective manner, roles and responsibilities are clear, the business stays up to date with changes to laws as they are i ntroduced and transactions are recorded accurately and in an efficient and timely manner. Establishing a system that is clear to your client and yourself will eliminate confusion of compliance on all bookkeeping matters.You would need to carry out some research this may include speaking to the accounting association and payroll experts and other relevant contacts with in your networks. The aim here is to identify the legal requirements and how they relate to this particular business. During this analysis you will need to identify any existing related policies, obstacles and implementation issues foreseen. Does the business have policies and procedures related to payroll? If so what are they and are the legal requirements up to date? If there are changes or introductions to new payroll laws then you would need to identify the relevant parties that may be inciteed and whose support is necessary to develop a policy change. Once the policy is approved by the appropriate person it will then need to be communicated to all payroll staff and any training if necessary to implement the procedures that relate to payroll policy to ensure compliance with the policy and legislation. It is important to have good communication with the business owner and accountant to ensure the business needs are met. Planning, gathering information, documentation and testing are important functions in the process.11. Identify at least two (2) bookkeeping associations that a bookkeeper would find useful and explain the benefits of belonging to that association. List the criteria for membership.The Australian Bookkeepers Association is governed by bookkeepers, is 100% Australian. The governance structure allows for greater conflict from members. Voting ABA members receive a reduction in the required hours of relevant experience when applying for or variety a BAS agent registration with the Tax Practitioners Board from 1400 to 1000 hours. Representation in more arenas that affect you as a bo okkeeper. They focus on training and learning. You are given the opportunity to become more involved in your profession. You have a chance to have your voice heard and ideas presented to appropriate bodies, organisations and disposal departments. Membership is open to bookkeepers at all stages of business for $462 per stratum which is tax deductable. You will have access to a library of technical publications and be able to network with the bookkeeping community. You can get one on one support from a team of experts and get a members only deal on Indemnity insurance for bookkeepers.At the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers you can gain certified bookkeeper status through accredited prior learning, work experience or ICB examinations. ICB member benefits are all about resources, items, benefits that presently add value to the ICB Member. In some occurrences they are commercial advantage but most are related to the Bookkeeper being better at what they do. As a member you have Prac tical, usable, everyday help. An drawn-out knowledge base, information library, how to guides, checklists and templates. Phone, email and web-based support for all bookkeepers provided by bookkeepers. Accessing a network of experts when required. Updates News, from the website or from fond media, stay right up to date with developments in the bookkeeping community. ICB generated and monitored access to the most appropriate schooling and training for bookkeepers. Enhance your professional image by adopting a emailprotected email. Template newsletters provided to you for tailoring, personalising and providing to your clients. Access the newsletter information by podcast allowing you to listen at your leisure, along with many more member benefits. There are polar levels of membership that require different prices for example where membership is sought based on qualifications The Certificate IV must have been awarded within the past two years in order to stand alone, other than a b ookkeeper knowledge assessment will be required.http//www.icb.org.au/ accessed 15/02/2017http//www.austbook.net/aba/ accessed 15/02/201712. Search bookkeeper engagement letter to find sample engagement letters. Engagement letters outline the terms and conditions under which the bookkeeper will provide services and the limit of those services. List 4 matters covered in an engagement letter and explain why it is important that both the bookkeeper and potential client, before signing, seek feedback on any matter covered in this document.One term in the engagement letter is the services you go for to provide to the business. This is important so that the client understands what your role will be in their business and what services you are able to provide and what you cannot provide. For example you may not be a registered Tax agent so therefore the client cannot expect you to lodge their tax. You will have in detail the services you can provide.Another term would be the client/business owner responsibilities, which may include paperwork relating to the transactions for the month or quarter, ongoing access to the business software, bank statements, credit card statements etc. You may also have something stating the client is to answer queries as required and that ABNs of suppliers be checked at least once a year to ensure they are valid. A gestural authority by the business owner to enable you as a bookkeeper to contact the tax agent via phone or email as required. Other signed authorisations enabling you to make payments on their behalf.Terms of Engagement will have your service fees that the client will sign to say they agree with your fee and when it will be paid, any late fees and other surplus terms if payment is not met.Confidentiality will be a term regarding all matters connected with and relating to the business, where you agree to not disclose any information to anyone without being authorised to do so in makeup or unless legally required.After you and your client have both read and agreed to the terms and conditions of your usage you will both sign the engagement letter. This is important to formalise your business relationship. This letter seals the deal, articulates and solidifies expectations of both contractile organ and client. This will stand as a contract between you and your client and can protect your interests as you move forward in your business. It is important to discuss the letter before signing in case there is anything you have missed or neglected to include in the letter, this will avoid error as to what you have agreed to do. It will provide your client with the opportunity to ask for any supererogatory services upfront if necessary, and it protects you from doing work you had not originally planned to.
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